Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jing #1

For this activity we were asked to create a Jing image from the website JIng then we were to find a picture and use some of the jing tools to show understanding.  I chose a simple Venn Diagram due to that being something my 3rd Graders see often.  I also chose to make it Science related because this is what my 3rd graders are currently working on, classifying animals!  I took the image and added in my own text, shapes, and lines.  I also left the middle section blank so that the students were to think of how they were related.  Simply put, I would fill it in with "can swim".

Here is my jing image:

Here is the screencast link:

We were also asked to watch a video which you can find here.  JIng Movie  It was a nice tutorial of how it works and why it is different from other programs.  It really is simple to use.

I can use this to help do exactly what I did, create a lesson, have the students fill it in, or have them fill in the blanks.  I could also use it as a tutorial on where you should be on the page or what I am looking at.  You could also use it to print it out and have the students actually touch the "blue arrow" so they are right on the same page.  I could also use it as a tool for standardized testing practice so they can see where the clues to the answer are and also how you can underline and copy the text for the correct answer.  

The ISTE NETS  T Standard this relates to is:

I used my Jing skills to show you which standard it relates to.  It relates to this because Jing is a digital tool and you can use many resources with.  You can use websites, text readings, games, and/or pictures to help promote the student learning.  It also allows the educator to be creative with their teachings and the students could use it for the same reasons.  It is a digital way of highliting and making things stand out!

Jing Questions:

  1. What file types come out of Jing?  The file types are png.
  2. How / where do you save images on your computer?  I save mine by clicking save and then saving it to my desktop for quick access or to my folder titled 6305.
  3. How to  import Jing objects into our blog posts?  I save it as a picture onto my desktop and then click on the picture image.  From there you locate it and add it to your blog.
  4. How do you publish your artifact? You publish your artifact by click on the save button and then from there, the option to publish or screencast it come up.  You simply follow the instructions.
  5. How do you share your artifact with others?  I share my artifact currently through use of my blog.

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