Friday, September 23, 2011


The Major Theme in Schools Kill Creativity

Ken Robinson really put a simple concept of creativity and turned it into something more...well...creative.  He is explaining how school cannot properly prepare students for the changing world even from five years from now.  The major theme throughout the video is "Creativity is a persons specific talent."  You need to learn to make mistakes so that you are prepared for the real world or future.  He said "mistakes are the worst things you can make" in school nowadays.  We are teaching the children to be molded into a specific type of student so that they won't be able to see their full potential.  I can see that in some sense but I also see how once you learn the basics of reading, writing, and mathematics then you can go to College or beyond to further your creativity.  I know that some classrooms are very strict and rule based, but with the changing society it seems needed.  Even though that specific classroom may mold a student in a certain way it does not mean that their parents can let me be creative or explore their talents outside of school.  Ken stated how every school system does not have any classes beyond the core like math, reading, art, and music.  Which some are now having to cut out the arts due to funding.  He said how all school systems are trying to produce college professors rather than artists, dancers, musicians, potters, or other vocations within our society.  It is unrealistic to think that every child will be the same thing when they grow up so therefore can they all really learn the same way?  Near the end, he also talks about the differences between men and women.  I liked his speech on a woman's ability to multi-task.

The Major Theme In Changing Education Paradigm

Again Ken Robinson gives an entertaining speech on education.  The major theme throughout this speech is "Why are there so many increases in things that hinder education such as adhd, dropouts, lack of creativity, and lack of the arts."  This video had a great visual aide to the speech since it was almost cartoon like with the person drawing during the speech.  He refers to ADHD as "a plague".  He says that ADHD is worth debating and it is not an epidemic.  He says they are being medicated as quick as we got shots.  I am doing a research study on ADHD and I can't wait to use this as a resource.  He said that ADHD increases as you move east on the US.  He even took it as far to question why we put children in school by the same age groups.  I am curious to see a school for which he dreams of come to life and see the results.  It would take a lot of work, money, and planning but the idea is great but not sure if it is doable for the entire world.  He reminds us that there are many different ways to thinking and that it is ok.  Ken gave the example of the "paper clip" and how children or people who are geniuses can think outside the box and say "can the paper clip be 30 feet tall and covered with styrofoam".

For VoiceThread we were to view the two videos I spoke of above, respond to their major theme, and then blog about it.  I liked both videos and even shared them with my colleagues.  I know that many of them will enjoy it too.  After blogging and watching we were to respond to the VoiceThread with "how I will make a difference in the classroom by referencing specifics and general themes from the two videos.  Luckily, I just typed up my thoughts and can use theme within my VoiceThread.

I learned many insights from the videos, especially the facts and information on ADHD.  AS stated before, I am doing a research project on ADHD and I really want to know why there has become such an increase in it.  I will definitely be using this video to help with my study.  I just better be sure to know how to turn it into a bibliography.  Ha!

I can use VoiceThread if we were ever on a long break due to holidays, snow days, and or over summer for my future students or past students to keep them thinking.  I like the interactiveness of it and also the options of your choosing on how to respond.  Which in return, allows the child to show their specific strength.

The ISTE NETS T Standard this complies with is:

address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.

This applies to the activity because you are allowing the learners to be diverse and also have a creative way of voicing their answer or opinion.  It shows them how to work together and collaborate but also to be appropriate.  It is a great digital tool that could be used for many aspects within the school if it be through teaching or working with other teachers.  

And with that said I leave you with my bit of creative collaboration artwork created by using Artpad

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