Friday, September 2, 2011

Jeopardy Labs

We were to create a jeopardy style game using the website Jeopardy Labs which is free.  You do have the option to donate money to the creator, but at this point I felt the need to test it out before putting money towards the program.  We were to create the game so that it can be used within a classroom setting.  I thankfully used it with my 3rd grade class in mind.  I focused on the 1st 9 weeks goals for reading which is vocabulary, reading terms, synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, suffixes, root words, and many other things.

I learned a lot from this website.  Every classroom within my school has a smartboard that has the jeopardy style game built in to our notebook software.  I found this software to simpler and easier to use.  You just have to be sure to copy your code right away so that you don't lose it.  I will be able to use this often as review for tests, quizzes, and or for state testing.  I am so glad we were introduced to this website and can't believe I didn't find it sooner.

I plan on using this mostly for our core subjects which are reading, math, science, and language arts.  My students take two standardized tests in Reading and Math so I hope to keep creating these as a review for every nine weeks (we have 4) and save the addresses to be used over and over again each year!  This may be time consuming but as long as you save the addresses you are good to go.  Also, considering that the standards do not change.

Here is my jeopardy lab.

Mrs. Reedy's Jeopardy Reading Review!

Here is the link in case that does not work:

The ISTE NETS T Standard this follows is:

customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.

I find use this standard often but it really does fit with most activities we have been using in the class.  It fits because I was able to customize and personalize my jeopardy depending on the topic or type of students I am teaching.  It hits many different learning styles from visual to auditory.  It also turns it into a game which all kids enjoy!  It is in fact a digital tool and now a very important resource towards my review in teaching.

Enjoy because I sure did! 

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