Friday, September 23, 2011


The Major Theme in Schools Kill Creativity

Ken Robinson really put a simple concept of creativity and turned it into something more...well...creative.  He is explaining how school cannot properly prepare students for the changing world even from five years from now.  The major theme throughout the video is "Creativity is a persons specific talent."  You need to learn to make mistakes so that you are prepared for the real world or future.  He said "mistakes are the worst things you can make" in school nowadays.  We are teaching the children to be molded into a specific type of student so that they won't be able to see their full potential.  I can see that in some sense but I also see how once you learn the basics of reading, writing, and mathematics then you can go to College or beyond to further your creativity.  I know that some classrooms are very strict and rule based, but with the changing society it seems needed.  Even though that specific classroom may mold a student in a certain way it does not mean that their parents can let me be creative or explore their talents outside of school.  Ken stated how every school system does not have any classes beyond the core like math, reading, art, and music.  Which some are now having to cut out the arts due to funding.  He said how all school systems are trying to produce college professors rather than artists, dancers, musicians, potters, or other vocations within our society.  It is unrealistic to think that every child will be the same thing when they grow up so therefore can they all really learn the same way?  Near the end, he also talks about the differences between men and women.  I liked his speech on a woman's ability to multi-task.

The Major Theme In Changing Education Paradigm

Again Ken Robinson gives an entertaining speech on education.  The major theme throughout this speech is "Why are there so many increases in things that hinder education such as adhd, dropouts, lack of creativity, and lack of the arts."  This video had a great visual aide to the speech since it was almost cartoon like with the person drawing during the speech.  He refers to ADHD as "a plague".  He says that ADHD is worth debating and it is not an epidemic.  He says they are being medicated as quick as we got shots.  I am doing a research study on ADHD and I can't wait to use this as a resource.  He said that ADHD increases as you move east on the US.  He even took it as far to question why we put children in school by the same age groups.  I am curious to see a school for which he dreams of come to life and see the results.  It would take a lot of work, money, and planning but the idea is great but not sure if it is doable for the entire world.  He reminds us that there are many different ways to thinking and that it is ok.  Ken gave the example of the "paper clip" and how children or people who are geniuses can think outside the box and say "can the paper clip be 30 feet tall and covered with styrofoam".

For VoiceThread we were to view the two videos I spoke of above, respond to their major theme, and then blog about it.  I liked both videos and even shared them with my colleagues.  I know that many of them will enjoy it too.  After blogging and watching we were to respond to the VoiceThread with "how I will make a difference in the classroom by referencing specifics and general themes from the two videos.  Luckily, I just typed up my thoughts and can use theme within my VoiceThread.

I learned many insights from the videos, especially the facts and information on ADHD.  AS stated before, I am doing a research project on ADHD and I really want to know why there has become such an increase in it.  I will definitely be using this video to help with my study.  I just better be sure to know how to turn it into a bibliography.  Ha!

I can use VoiceThread if we were ever on a long break due to holidays, snow days, and or over summer for my future students or past students to keep them thinking.  I like the interactiveness of it and also the options of your choosing on how to respond.  Which in return, allows the child to show their specific strength.

The ISTE NETS T Standard this complies with is:

address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.

This applies to the activity because you are allowing the learners to be diverse and also have a creative way of voicing their answer or opinion.  It shows them how to work together and collaborate but also to be appropriate.  It is a great digital tool that could be used for many aspects within the school if it be through teaching or working with other teachers.  

And with that said I leave you with my bit of creative collaboration artwork created by using Artpad

Friday, September 9, 2011


For this activity we were asked to used two things to complete our task.  The first being using or Google Docs/Presentations.  Within the Google docs were to paste and convert a video from off the web using any converting site.  For me, I had difficulty using the site our Professor asked us to use so with his permission I started to hunt for my own converting site.  First, I used the applications Mac Computers have to offer and downloaded a free App simply called "Smart Converter".  It really was simple with a drop and drag directions.  I then wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing so I used or Any Video Converter.  After downloading the software I did not find it as easy to use as the free app I downloaded off of my computer.  Needless to say, I converted my video from youtube and saved it as video into my itunes library but Any Video Converter also saves it within it's file on your computer.  I opened up Google Presentations and then simply dropped and dragged my video into the presentation.  Later I saw that Google Presentations has a direct Youtube link in order to paste your video (if it is from youtube) right into your presentation.  I chose Bill Nye the Science Guy "Life Cycles" Song.  It is to the tune of "Killing Me Softly".  I know my third graders love Bill Nye and I love him too.  I will never get sick of watching his videos.  He is very entertaining but also very educational.

Here is my google presentation:


Bill Nye Life Cycles

I learned that a file can be converted for personal use.  You can convert it to audio and play it on an ipod.  You can convert it and play on your own computer.  You can convert it and use it within a presentation or lesson.  The converting possibilities are never ending.  It adds it to your personal library so in case the web is down you can still access it because it is now embedded into your own files or library.  I love it!  I must say though, I was concerned thinking that we are breaking some kind of piracy law.  I guess if people post it to the web then we have free range to post it to our own library.

I can use this easily in a classroom setting.  Like many schools, youtube is blocked.  Being able to convert it directly to your documents, presentation, or computer allows you to show the great videos that the world wide web has to offer to your students.  Being that you show them educational videos not just silly things like guys hitting their heads on the pavement after trying to do a cool skateboarding trick.  Just as we did it would be easy to come up with a theme.  For example, I could base my lessons around Dogs for a week.  My reading activities and lessons could involve dogs.  My math could have word problems about dogs and then to finish it off show them a converted video about dogs with jobs.  I could also find great educational videos that are normally blocked at school and play them within the classroom setting.

Easily the The ISTE NETS T Standard this one applies to is:

This Standard is effectively shown through benderconverter because we are literally "transferring" data onto our own computer for our own use.  We use our knowledge of file types and sizes to be able to put it into our own life and situations.  We have to be able to be fluent with converting the files in order to complete the task.

Although I feel like we are breaking the rules with this Standard while converting files:

As stated before, I did feel a bit uneasy now that I know how to use this because you can easily go to the website Pandora (a free radio station) and convert each song played and add it to your library.  Therefore, I definitely feel music is being stolen and rights are being mistreated.  Many videos on youtube have copyright laws and using a converter allows you to go around the laws and keep it for yourself without anyone ever knowing.  It is a tough situation.  I like it but I also feel uneasy about it.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Jing Screencast

Here is my tutorial for parents on how to look up books within their child's personal Accelerated Reader Level:

Which I did with the help of Jing.

For this activity we were to create a video that can help show parents, students, or colleagues a new task or something they have never done before.  We then were to record it and post it to the jing screencast so others could access it.

I learned a lot from this activity.  I must say for as easy it was to do, by far I have learned the most from this activity than any others in the class yet.  I hope it continues to get better from here because this class is teaching a technology queen (self-proclaimed) as myself many new tricks.  I am most excited about using this one with our tech lab teacher so that I can help show the kids how to complete tasks.  I learned that it is easy to teach an old dog (myself) new tricks to many new dogs (the students or parents).  I added my voice to it, because like our students, all parents learn differently.  Therefore it helps the visual and auditory parents accomplish the task.

I can use this in many aspects inside and outside the classroom.  Inside the classroom, this is a great tool to help parents who have questions with any homework.  You could easily them the link on how to help their child and themselves.  Within the classroom, you could show the students how to do something before you even step foot in the computer/tech lab so that way they use their time much more wisely since time is limited within the teach lab.  It would help eliminate many questions.  Rather than repeating the same questions, you could just click play again and show them what to do.  Personally, I could also help my Mother out who lives in Cleveland.  She is new to Mac and I would be able to help show her how to do it visually rather than over the phone.

The ISTE NETS T Standard the Jing Screencast applies to is:

This applies because, as a teacher, you are demonstrating to the parents or students on how to complete a task, therefore becoming fluent.  It also is transferring current knowledge of the use of computers into the new situation of a new website.  Overall, with this you are helping aide the parents to become more aware of the happenings within your classroom and also the expectations.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jing #1

For this activity we were asked to create a Jing image from the website JIng then we were to find a picture and use some of the jing tools to show understanding.  I chose a simple Venn Diagram due to that being something my 3rd Graders see often.  I also chose to make it Science related because this is what my 3rd graders are currently working on, classifying animals!  I took the image and added in my own text, shapes, and lines.  I also left the middle section blank so that the students were to think of how they were related.  Simply put, I would fill it in with "can swim".

Here is my jing image:

Here is the screencast link:

We were also asked to watch a video which you can find here.  JIng Movie  It was a nice tutorial of how it works and why it is different from other programs.  It really is simple to use.

I can use this to help do exactly what I did, create a lesson, have the students fill it in, or have them fill in the blanks.  I could also use it as a tutorial on where you should be on the page or what I am looking at.  You could also use it to print it out and have the students actually touch the "blue arrow" so they are right on the same page.  I could also use it as a tool for standardized testing practice so they can see where the clues to the answer are and also how you can underline and copy the text for the correct answer.  

The ISTE NETS  T Standard this relates to is:

I used my Jing skills to show you which standard it relates to.  It relates to this because Jing is a digital tool and you can use many resources with.  You can use websites, text readings, games, and/or pictures to help promote the student learning.  It also allows the educator to be creative with their teachings and the students could use it for the same reasons.  It is a digital way of highliting and making things stand out!

Jing Questions:

  1. What file types come out of Jing?  The file types are png.
  2. How / where do you save images on your computer?  I save mine by clicking save and then saving it to my desktop for quick access or to my folder titled 6305.
  3. How to  import Jing objects into our blog posts?  I save it as a picture onto my desktop and then click on the picture image.  From there you locate it and add it to your blog.
  4. How do you publish your artifact? You publish your artifact by click on the save button and then from there, the option to publish or screencast it come up.  You simply follow the instructions.
  5. How do you share your artifact with others?  I share my artifact currently through use of my blog.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Jeopardy Labs

We were to create a jeopardy style game using the website Jeopardy Labs which is free.  You do have the option to donate money to the creator, but at this point I felt the need to test it out before putting money towards the program.  We were to create the game so that it can be used within a classroom setting.  I thankfully used it with my 3rd grade class in mind.  I focused on the 1st 9 weeks goals for reading which is vocabulary, reading terms, synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, suffixes, root words, and many other things.

I learned a lot from this website.  Every classroom within my school has a smartboard that has the jeopardy style game built in to our notebook software.  I found this software to simpler and easier to use.  You just have to be sure to copy your code right away so that you don't lose it.  I will be able to use this often as review for tests, quizzes, and or for state testing.  I am so glad we were introduced to this website and can't believe I didn't find it sooner.

I plan on using this mostly for our core subjects which are reading, math, science, and language arts.  My students take two standardized tests in Reading and Math so I hope to keep creating these as a review for every nine weeks (we have 4) and save the addresses to be used over and over again each year!  This may be time consuming but as long as you save the addresses you are good to go.  Also, considering that the standards do not change.

Here is my jeopardy lab.

Mrs. Reedy's Jeopardy Reading Review!

Here is the link in case that does not work:

The ISTE NETS T Standard this follows is:

customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.

I find use this standard often but it really does fit with most activities we have been using in the class.  It fits because I was able to customize and personalize my jeopardy depending on the topic or type of students I am teaching.  It hits many different learning styles from visual to auditory.  It also turns it into a game which all kids enjoy!  It is in fact a digital tool and now a very important resource towards my review in teaching.

Enjoy because I sure did!