Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Data Analysis

What did I do?
After applying all of our data we were then to come up with a hypothesis and a null hypothesis on our two topics.  I chose to focus on the fake quiz scores and also the number of discussion posts.  My Hypothesis for each is that Gender does not effect the scores on the fake quiz and Females will have more discussion posts than males.  I placed all of the data into separate excel programs so I could find the average score for each male and female on the fake quiz and then find the sum for each male and female on discussion posts.

What did I learn?
It goes as followed.

Hypothesis Number 1:
Gender does not effect the scores of the fake quiz.

Null Hypothesis Number 1:
We are so close in scores I am going to say it is true!

Hypothesis Number 2:
Females will have more discussion posts than males.

Null Hypothesis Number 2:
As you can see Males in fact have more discussion posts on average than women.  I am surprised sing there are so many more women in the class.  

How can I use it?
You can use this when you want to figure out statistics and such within your own class.  It can also put things into perspective if you want to reteach a concept because their scores show as such.

What standard?
This promotes student learning because it helps you as a teacher to gain knowledge on their own scores and where they stand.  It also is a digital tool to show your grades at a glance.

1 comment:

  1. Clever girl. Nice integration of images into your NETS T blurb.
