What did I do?
If there ever was some doing be to be done for this class it was with this assignment. I am a mac user. Now I love my Mac and will never go back but for a technology related class, the assignment should have been tested on a Mac. The Mac does not have the data toolpack you can find on a PC instead I downloaded Stat Plus, only to find that it made life more confusing. So after a few tears, I memorized Dr. Pierces video (I wish it had some talking through it), I took a day off from it and went to work. While I was at work I realized I was sitting at a PC. I took the opportunity to download the data tool pack on my school computer and it worked. I was relieved to have finally been able to complete this project, but once again I am not happy that I was unable to do this within my own home, instead I had to stay at work longer to do this. I just really wish there would have been a screen cast for Mac users. After plugging in all the necessary information into the tool pack I came up with the P values. Which can be seen here:
| AGE | Gender | Teaching |
Score | 0.428514 | 0.284535 | 0.06 |
D.Posts | 0.003893* | 0.444181 | 0.35* |
MelScore | 0.089129 | 0.376572 | 0.014593* |
P = .05
P = .05
Chrome Vs. Safari | Chrome vs. Firefox | Chrome vs IE | Safari vs. IE | |
Score | 0.105159 | 0.133 | 0.027* | 0.343349 |
D.Posts | 0.227429 | 0.42832 | 0.195701 | 0.244005 |
MelScore | 0.41546 | 0.390356 | 0.271535 | 0.053398* |
What did I learn?
I learned that this was way easier for PC users. I hate to say that but it is true. I am a true Mac fan. I learned that many factors do not matter in this class such as your mel score and if you use safari or IE. I also learned that your fake quiz score is not effected by if you use chrome or safari.
How can I use it?
What I am getting from this, we should use this within the classroom to pin point if the boys are stronger in a subject area than the girls or vice versa. You could compare a bunch of factors within your class to help guide student learning.
ISTE NETS Standard:
collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.
I feel this one was used the most with this activity because I did so much talking and borrowing of others ideas. I don't know if that was meant to be outcome but it is the truth. I definitely collaborated with my peers in helps with using this digital tool. We supported each other as students to hopefully success.